I asked AI to create images based on excerpts from my short stories.

Do human words or Dall-E’s imagery tell the story better? Compare the visuals to the writing that inspired them, then scroll to vote.


MY WORDS: Drunken laughter echoed on the rocks below, forming an uncanny melody with the waves. The camp was a dastardly spectacle, an impossibility of light and chaos, perched unbothered on the edge of the world… like the half-forgotten dream of a child.


MY WORDS:They found her the next morning, three miles south of camp, eating grass atop a cliff that looked even more fragile than she was. When they’d whistled for her, she let out a noise not unlike a teenager’s sigh, devastated by the interruption.


MY WORDS: The surface glinted faintly, bioluminescent against the pines.


MY WORDS: mouth twitched, and for a moment he wasn’t sure if he’d laugh or sob. So he lit a cigarette and promised himself that tomorrow would be the day he runs the dishwasher.


Who did it better
Dall-E Art Director
Angsty Copywriter
Created with Quiz Maker